How do I simplify? How do I unpack my complexities?

As leaders, we need to simplify. When we simplify, things get done.
Complexity clouds visibility; thrashes initiative; impairs motivation. Complexity stymies action.
As a leader therefore, it’s essential to simplify; so that visibility improves, initiatives thrive and motivation sustains. When we simplify, appropriate action happens, things get done.
Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end, because once you get there you can move mountains — said Steve Jobs.
When we simplify, we gain clarity (to ourselves). When we have clarity, we have a possibility of providing clarity to the team(s).
Clarity is power. Clarity removes fear; brings-in courage. Clarity leads to action, outcomes.
In a world that’s seemingly complex and distractive, how do I simplify? How do I unpack my complexities?
There are ways. Such as:
Figuring out (absolute) priorities,
Focusing on what’s (really) important,
Breaking down mammoth-looking things in to (consumable) smaller pieces,
Getting our emotional intelligence to higher levels,
Enhancing our (leadership) presence,
Seeking Clarity,
And more…
As leaders, we need to simplify. When we simplify, things get done.
#ceo #leadership #scaleup #simplify