How do we get phenomenal outcomes?

All of us wish for extra-ordinary outcomes for ourselves. We spend a lot of time planning things of different types, shapes and sizes to get what we wish to get.
The fact is that we don’t get what we wish for; We get what we work for.
While working for it, an invaluable hack is to get ‘what we do on a daily basis’ right — for even small things, done on a daily basis, produce extra-large outcomes over a period of time.
What we do on a daily basis matters; matters much more than what we do once in a while.
What we do on a daily basis keeps the needle moving constantly, consistently. Therefore aligning it to what we want to get, where we want to go, is supremely important.
The question is, Am I mindful, paying enough attention to things that I do on a daily basis?
You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily — said John Maxwell.
Can’t agree more. What I do on a daily basis leads to what I become over a period of time; leads to the outcomes that I get over a period of time.
If I want results different from what am getting, I need to change something that I do daily; and stay committed to that change, on a daily basis.
What we do on a daily basis matters — leads to phenomenal outcomes over a period of time!
#scaleup #leadership #ceo
[If you want to discuss any specific questions that you may have on scaling-up your business, write to me at]