How much of your potential you’re using right now?

How much of your potential you’re using right now?
Whenever I’ve asked this question to CEOs and senior leaders of businesses, the highest number I’ve ever got in response is 40%. Even at that number it looks quite meek. Some even considered the percentage to be in single digits and many in lower double digits for themselves.
This is intriguing.
What’s preventing us from using our own potential? What’s stopping us from unleashing our own potential?
Is it that we are not pushed around-enough that we don’t (bother to) find our best? That we don’t (bother to) bring-out our true potential?
Once Kip Lagat, the Kenyan long distance runner, was asked why his country produces so many great runners. It’s the road signs ‘Beware of lions’ said Kip Lagat.
That says a lot.
Is it that to bring-out our true potential we need to be challenged to this extent?
Is it that only extreme adversities bring our true potential out?
This requires closer attention; a closer consideration. And some reflection as to whether I’m trying enough to bring-out my true potential?
[If you want to discuss any specific questions that you may have on scaling-up your business, write to me at]