My interest is in the future…

My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there — Anonymous.
By and large the future shapes up based on what we think and do today. We have the power to make choices — as to what to do, what not to do — that goes-on to shape our future to a large extent.
As beings, we are empowered to make our choices. In that sense, ability to shape our future is largely in our hands.
Even in business this holds true! The future of business depends on the choices that we make today, what we think and do today.
The question is, as a leader how much time, efforts and energy I’m putting in to (long-term) future of my Business on a daily basis? How much time, energy I’m able to put on a daily basis in to things that move the needle over a period of time?
#ceo #coaching #leader #future