What matters is where we are going to!

As human beings we have immense possibility to influence our future, change our story, decide, determine and live a new story.
In that sense, what’s ‘So far’ may be one story; ‘Now on’ can be another!
Different. Very different. It’s possible.
What we’ve done so far need not be indicative of what we’re capable of doing going forward. If we decide to shift gears, change directions, pick up speed, it’s possible.
We have numerous examples around us — right from ancient times. The earliest that we could lay our hands-on might be Rishi Valmiki. In current times we have many examples such as Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Colonel Sanders, Dhirubhai Ambani, and so on…
I’ve seen many of my Clients changing their stories successfully — meaning, their story up to a point was something, and from there, another — becoming something else, very different!
It doesn’t matter where we come from — what matters is where we are going to!
Note: Often we ascribe a lot of importance to our past, get bound by it, get burdened by it, and even stuck in it. This doesn’t stop with ourselves. We even expand it to people around us and keep judging everything and everyone based on past experiences. There could be merit in it. But, the equal reality is that it could change for future. What we’ve done so far is not indicative of what we’re capable of doing going forward!
#scaleup #leadership #ceo
[If you want to discuss any specific questions that you may have on scaling-up your business, write to me at pk@pknarayanan.com]